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You can quickly bootstrap a full-stack Fuel project locally with the following command:

pnpm create fuels

# or, if you want to pass in your preferences directly from the command line:
pnpm create fuels [project-name] [options]

# eg. pnpm create fuels my-fuel-project --pnpm --contract --predicate
# Note: project-name and all other options are optional
  -V, --version         output the version number
  -c, --contract        Include contract program
  -p, --predicate       Include predicate program
  -s, --script          Include script program
  --pnpm                Use pnpm as the package manager
  --npm                 Use npm as the package manager
  -cs, -cp, -sp, -cps   Shorthand to include combination of contract, script and predicate programs
  -h, --help            Display help for command

This will setup a new full-stack Fuel project. To get things running, you'll need to install the dependencies and start the development servers:

# Start a local Fuel node and hot-reload for your Sway smart contracts
pnpm fuels:dev

In another terminal window, start the frontend dev server:

pnpm dev

Your app should now be running on localhost:3000.

Any changes you make to your Sway smart contracts will be hot-reloaded and reflected in the frontend. All of this is enabled thanks to the new fuels CLI . The fuels CLI has several more powerful customization options that will let you tweak your local dev experience to your liking.